Tuesday, October 19, 2010



'Sup, faggots? Just droppin' in again to chew the fat and pass some time. So let's get on to the fun stuff, shall we?

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1,298,466,389,902,021 Sheep And STILL Counting...

I have a job hunting spree that I was intending to undertake today before class (would REALLY like to fuckin' snag a seasonal or something so I have money for gifts during Christmas) and here's the shitty part ... I was planning on heading out the door at, like, 10am and GUESS what fucking time it is! Iiiiiiiit's 7:21am as I'm writing this sentence! And still haven't gotten a wink of sleep. OH RAPTURE! And prolly not gonna be able to squeeze in more than a 2 hour nap when I get home, cuuuuz at 5pm? I gotta be out the damn door for my 3D Animation class. OH BY GOLLY THIS SURE IS GONNA BE FUN DAY! *eyetwitch*

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Mew-Mew News

All the kittens are just grownin' by the day like fluffy lil' weeds. They're runnin' around all over the driveway these days, just havin' the time of their lives. And y'know what's impossible? Being in a bad mood with an armful of kittens. Too damn cute and sweet. ^_^

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Hackity-Hack, Cough Is Back

So yeah, it went away for a few days but then came back with a vengeance when we did some more extensive housework, thus confirming once and for all that this is a goddam dust allergy. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-!!! Oh well ... more incentive to get things all squared away and tidy again ASAP, eh? For the sake of my inflamed airway. >_>;;

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H'okay! That about covers it for now. You just survived yet ANOTHER installment of...

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You are now free to go back to whatever it was you were doing at this ungodly hour.

-- Synhowl, Your Cranky Coughing Sleep-Deprived Bearwolf

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: Lady Gaga - Paparazzi


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